The club has sourced clothing items from Kukri with the club logo and colours as the official club uniform.

This uniform is worn by swimmers (and parents) at swim meets and/or general wear.
The items are designed to be warm and quick drying and are a reasonable quality.
The club has a certain number of items on hand in various sizes which can be purchased directly from the committee member responsible for uniforms. If the item is not in stock then it will need to be ordered from Kukri which takes about 8 weeks. There is also a minimum quantity that we are required to order before Kukri will accept the order to process. Payment is required at the time of ordering uniform items.
Please complete the order form (check the sizing chart) and place your form and payment in the black box in the storage room at Cannons Creek Pool. Alternatively you can e-mail the order form to the uniform co-ordinator, and pay by internet banking to the club general account.
Any queries regarding uniforms should be directed to Jessie Guo (Uniform Co-ordinator) by phone 021-232-1533 or email .