Entering a Meet Depends on what type of meet it is.
Designated and Development Meets – Club Meets up to National Meets
- from 1 September 2016 all entries for official meets are required to be made online via the members mypage.
- Each member is required to be registered and financial prior to entering a meet.
- Check the Flyer on the Calendar Page.
- Instructions on How to Enter a Meet online are here.
- Enter Online via the Members Fastlane page of the SNZ Website.
- If you have any issues then contact the Race Secretary by.
Other Club Meets – 100m Handicap, Novice Carnival, In-House League
- Place your name (and any other details requested) on the entry form which is placed on our club noticeboards at either Cannons Creek Pool or at the Arena.
- Please check the flyer for any entry critera, and the closing date for entries.
- You can also enter by sending our Race Secretary an email .
Parent / Caregiver
- You will be required to help out from time to time with our clubs official duties at the meets your child is swimming at. (eg. time keeping, IOT, door, refreshments).
- When required our Officials Co-ordinator will contact you requesting your assistance.
Please read all the conditions attached to each meet carefully, these will be set out on the flyer.
Our Calendar provides a list of upcoming meets.