Our club is open to anyone able to swim at least 25 metres (1 length of the pool) continuously and our swimming pathway commences with club swimming at Cannons Creek Pool.
If you are interested in joining our club please contact our President, Vivien Morton by phone 027 645 1146. Viv will discuss your swimming background and ascertain whether our club swimming or our squad swimming programme will be best for you. You may be invited to come and be assessed at the pool as part of this process.
Please see here for deails of our club and squad swimming programmes and training times:
To join our club (which also includes membership of Swim Wellington and Swimming New Zealand) you will be required to fill in our Membership Form and pay the annual club subscription.
The full year club subscription is $200 which covers the period 1 July to 30 June and is payable by 31 July.
No other fee is payable for club coaching or for door entry to Cannons Creek Pool on any of our club swimming sessions. Club membership also covers swimmers membership/affilation to Swim Wellington and Swimming New Zealand and entitles swimmers to enter all swim meets they have qualified for.
Swimmers will not be able to enter any meets unless they are financial members. Financial membership requires that the Annual Subscription is paid by the due date, or that a current payment plan is in place approved by the Treasurer.
The sub is reduced to $160.00 for those who swim in any of the club’s squads – Penguins, Swordfish, Orcas and Senior Squad in recognition that squad fees that are charged include a portion for pool hire.
All club fees can be paid direct into our club account 03-0547-0205093-00, if paying electronically ensure you include swimmers name as a reference.
We also have a sliding payment scale which takes into account swimmers joining our club during the financial year, payment is due with the membership form.